Tenigal Activo is available 24 hours, 365 days a year. You'll be able to consult and operate in every moment.
Tenigal Activo uses a digital certificate that allows to operate the site safely.
You need to contact the sales executive for the user registration process.
It is important that you properly close the Tenigal Activo session. To do this, you just have to press the User Profile icon located in the upper right corner, then on Log out.
You will be able to operate through Tenigal Activo from any PC or Tablet with Internet access, either from or outside the country.
Supported browsers for operating Tenigal Activo are the following:
Microsoft Edge version 98 or higher.
Google Chrome version 93 or higher.
Mozilla Firefox version 88 or higher.
Opera version 83 or higher.
Android 11.0 or higher.
IOS 12.0 or higher.
Minimum resolution
Desktop and laptop 1366 x 768 pixels.
You can view information of the last twelve months.